Equine Sports Massage Therapy

Equine Sports Massage Therapy

All too often, ridden problems are put down to naughty behaviour, when frequently they can be due to a physical issue;

- stiff on one rein?

- struggling with one/both canter leads?

- bucking into canter?

- reluctant to move forward?

These, and many more, may be signs that your horse would benefit from a massage treatment.


The wide range of benefits of regular Equine Sports Massage Treatments include;

- Increased Performance

- Enhances Muscle Tone

- Relieves Muscle Soreness and tension

- Relieves Muscle Spasm

- Increases Circulation

- Prevents Injury

- Improves Recovery Time

- Promotes General Wellbeing

Performance Massage

Monthly equine sport massage treatments. Ideal for competition/hunt horses during peak season, and young horses just beginning their ridden career.

Rehabilitation Massage

Monthly equine sports massage treatments adapted to support your horse's specific rehab journey. For those horses on box rest/restricted exercise, those under a controlled "return to work" programme following an injury or surgery, or for those horse managing chronic conditions such as arthritis.

Maintenance Massage

Equine sports massage treatments every eight to 12 weeks. Perfect for riding club/pony club horses/ponies, general leisure horses, or competition/hunt horses during their "off" season or downtime.

"MOT" Massage

Equine sports massage treatments every four to six months. For those taking life a little more gently; happy hacking etc.

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